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A retarded way of saying the mathematical term "BODMAS" PEMDAS means Parenthesis Exponents Multiplaction Division Addition Subtraction, compared to the much simpler Backets Ordering Division Multiplication Addition Subtraction.

Whilst explaining BODMAS, the stuck up autismo in the class argued with the teacher that the long taught mathmatical term BODMAS was actually PEMDAS, before i cut in and explained that BODMAS makes perfect sence and that they shouldn't try to fix what isn't broken.

by Goose McBruce December 3, 2016

3👍 8👎


A hellish piece of machinery that if given the chance will kill you if your lucky and grind your face off and rip out your scalp if you're not lucky

Man, fuck lathes.

by Goose McBruce November 29, 2018

19👍 2👎