An "unofficial" (not recognized by dictionaries) slang descriptor for a person/thing/action/object, etc., or a combination of, which is one or more of the following:
a great use of time, able, accounted, acting of own age, active, active mind, acute, adequate, admirable, adored, adult, ahead of schedule, alive, altruistically, always fresh, always in motion, amazing, amazing, amazing mind, animated, applaudable, applicable, appreciable, assertive, availing, aware, awesome, bargain, beautiful, beautiful, believable, benefactor, big, big time, blended, bold, brainy, brainy, brand new, brave, breathable, bright, brilliant, brilliant, calm, careful, certain, character, cherished, civilized, clean, clear, clearheaded, clear-minded, coinage, colorful, comforting, commendable, committing, communicative, competent, complex, conceivable, concerned, confident, congruous, consequential, considerable, contemporary, continued, convincing, cool, cooperative, correct, courteous, credible, crystal, cultured, cute, dear, decisive, deeply meaningful, defiant, deliberate, developed, different, different in the best of ways, directed, discrete, distinguished, dove, driver, educated, effective, effectual, effectual, empathy, endless, energetic, enjoying life, enlarging, enormous, enticing, equal, essential, essential, esteemed, excited, exciting, experienced, expression, expressive, , extraordinary, fabulous, factual, famous, fashionable, fashioned, fast, favorite, feathery, fecund, fertile
Russel is retarded.
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firm, first-rate, fit, fixed, focused, formal, forward, free spirit, fresh, fruitful, full, full of life, gay, genius, gentle, gentlemen, genuine, giddy, giving hope, glorious, good, good, good dice, good sport, good-doer, good-for-something, graceful, great, greatly courageous, grounded in sense, guided, gutsy, happy, hardworking, has a place, has guts, healthy, heightened, hero, heroic, high, high-born, high-ranking, honest, honorable, hope, hopeful, huge, humane, humble, hygienic, imaginative, important, in advance, in front, inclusive, independent, indispensable, individual, intelligent, intelligent, intentional, interesting, jolly, kind, kindly, kindly, ladies, lawful, leader, left in perfection, legitimate, lived, lively, logical, lovable, lovable, loved, macroscopic, magnificent, main, main character, major, manly, many layers, matter-of-fact, mature, meaningful, meriting, merry, mindful, mobile, model citizen, modest, momentous, moral, mosaic, necessary, needed, new, noble, normal, not in vain, not odd, not superficial, objective, on point, on purpose, on the right path, on the spot, on-time, original, outgoing, perceptive, perfect, permanent, persuasive, pertaining to, piquant, planned, plausible, playful, pleasant, plenty, plump mind, pointed, practicable, practical, precious, present, prize, probable, producing, profitable, proficient, prosperous, proud, provident, pure, pure within and without, purposed, purposeful, purposeful, quick, rational, rational, real
Russel is retarded.
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reasonable, refined, related, relevant, renewed, reputable, reputable, resolute, responsible, resulting in, rich, righteous, romantic, sane, satisfactory, sensible, sensical, sensing, sensitive, sententious, sentimental, serious, serious, shining, significant, sincere, smart, smooth, sociable, solid, something, somewhere, sophisticated, soulful, special, specific, spinted, stable, stand ground, standing, standing tall, steadfast, steady, strong, strong-hearted, strong-minded, strong-minded, stylish, suave, substantial, succeeded, succeeding, successful, sufficient, supreme, swan, sweet, sympathetic, tactful, thinking, thoughtful, titanic, to the purpose, toned, top, treasurable, treasure, treasured, true, truthful, unassailable, unassuming, uncompressed, uncorrupt, uncovert, undiscriminatory, undisputed, undoubtable, undoubting, unexpendable, unfrightened, unique, unloathsome, unmeasly, unpaniced, unperturbable, unpretentious, unquitting, unreplaceable, unridiculable, unrushed, unscared, unshabby, unshallow, unshameful, unstale, unsubmissive, untiring, untrifling, untrivial, untrumped, unvanishing, unwasting, unwavering, unwearied, up, upgraded, uplifting, usable, useful, varied, warm, wel-formed, well-advised, well-carried, well-considered, well-done, well-focusd, well-mannered, well-rounded, well-spoken, well-valued, well-wired, whole, winner, wise, with a home, with purpose, with reason, without need for repent, witty, witty, wonderful, working, worth, worthwhile, worthy.
Russel is retarded.
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