I N D I A N T A K I N'
as Noun:
(informal, fraudulent) The act of returning something to someone that was taken from them; under the pretense of not keeping it permanently, and then taking it back later on, or replacing it with a doppelganged replacement instead.
as GangsTalk:
(simplified) To take something, keep it for awhile, and return it.
as Legal:
To acquire property, actual or intellectual, by physical, virtual or electronic means, of another person, with the intent to deprive the owner of use and possession thereof; with the intent to cause physical, emotional or psychological distress as a result of any coarse of conduct relating to the property owner.
Attack Plan | 4 - ANCHORING
||Subterfuge Required||
1. Take something (without permission) from the Targeted Individual "T.I.", and keep possession of it.
2. Return the object to the T.I. after a significant amount of time has passed, (without them knowing,), by PLACING IT WHERE THE T.I. WOULDN'T USUALLY KEEP IT; (EX: Mail Box, Front Door Welcome Matt, Bathtub, Freezer, or Under the Pillow, so the T.I. 'suddenly' discovers it.
(Indirect Communication Comprehended by T.I.)
3. Wait to observe/hear from the T.I., directly or indirectly, about this Indian Takin Attack Planâ¢
Dude 1:
"Yo, I took that scooter for a ride last night but the battery died on me."
Dude 2:
"That sucks bro! What did you do then, walk?"
Dude 1:
"I Indian Takin it back and put it in the bathtub."
Dude 2: "He's gonna trip bro. Wish I could be a fly and that wall. Lol"
Dude 3: *chuckles* "That fly is a "WiFi/Bluetooth/Lowjack/Mic/HiFi/Directional Speaker/Projection Light/HD Lens" drone and I can see him right now. He's outta the tub now, (clears throat), .. in a 'Hot Towel Wrap' and Truman is singing into the blowdryer⦠to the scooters whatnot."