A fact freak is someone who likes to spout random facts about nothing in particular at random moments, and/or takes a great interest in trivia but doesn't have any 'real' interests.
Says "did you know..." a lot.
Fact Freak: Did you know that the astronomer that discovered Charon named it after his dead wife?
(Thats the kind of stuff they come out with regularly)
5👍 3👎
A girl. That is an anime fan.
Why these definitions say that they're preppy I'll never know.
97👍 55👎
A fan of anime. Simple, isn't it? Just to clear some things up:
An anime Fan is not an otaku: Otaku refers to a loner who bases their life around a work of ficion of any kind and loses track of reality because of it.
An Anime Fan is not Nesisarily a fanboy/girl: They don't have to be that annoying :P
Not all female anime fans like yaoi: Some do, some don't. Simple right?
An anime Fan is not a weeaboo: A weeaboo is obbsessed with Japan, not neesesarily anime. They like pocky. Yes, anime Fans know the terminology of anime. But then sci fi fans know about their fandom, and for that matter furrys, fantasy fans, goths, and every one else knows little things about their interests. Although they know some japanese things from anime, they like it for the anime, not the references.
There are different types of anime (and thus it's fans): Shoujo, Shonen, Seinen, and yaoi being a few.
Someone who only watches hentai isn't an anime fan: They are a pervert.
Anime Fans like Anime. Thats all.
550👍 84👎