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round lake

A town in northern Illinois with a population of about 30,000 people. Demographics are as follows: white (62%), hispanic (31%), black (3%), and other ethnicities make up the other 4%. As a person who grew up in Round Lake, I feel that I had a strong sense of pride in my community. People who hate on the town either don't live there, or are losers who are never happy, but too lazy to leave. The demographics are changing because of a growing minority population and the building of upper scale housing subdivisions. Every town has its problems with juvenile delinquents and drugs. These problems in Round Lake should not be attributed to the minority population. Just ask what Vernon Hills and Lake Forest kids do in their spare time. It's a town that has a worse reputation than it deserves.

Which car wash should I go to in Round Lake? The one with Mighty Mouse riding the elephant on the roof (not in a dirty way, though! Get your mind out of the nasty ass gutter)!

by Grace S. March 14, 2006

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