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1. The new Derogatory term for "Libtard" aka "Liberal" aka "Commie" or "Socialist".Because Republicans have ruined & destroyed the name "Liberal". When people think of them as "Liberals", it is the equivalent to 'Rapist' or 'Child Molester'. Hence, the name-change.

2. Someone terrified by the idea that someone, somewhere, might be earning money.

3. Someone who wants to move the country progressively closer to Socialism or Communism. See Marxist, Communist or Socialist. They call themselves "Progressives" because using "Communist" would give them a negative connotation in the public eye.

4. Liberal + Communist/Socialist beliefs = Progressive

whoa... no I'm not a liberal... I'm a Communi-
I mean....... uh.. (think fast... they're on to me!)
I'm a progressive!

by GrandMaster9000 January 13, 2011

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