Source Code


A character in the American movie classic, “Grease.”: This acting role required a part played with a vigorous, tough no nonsense approach. This is because “Rizzo” is the shot-calling leader of a high school gang called, “The Pinks”…, yes I know, the pinks; has it been mentioned that Rizzo is a girl? Rizzo likes to drink, smoke and generally wants too, the things that fancy a boy’s desire…, other girls’ maybe? These nuances can easily verify with a thirty first screening of the movie..., that is, unless your person only recently snapped out of a thirty year coma!

Nonetheless, now is when this Urban Dictionary allows for a more penetrating definition of character role. It was some thirty odd years ago when a young actress named Stockard Channing won this acting nod.

Uncannily, in this same self awareness book, there is another personalized description of an actress that eerily names as “Stockyard Channing.” Can it be that there is a connection here? If one reads the reason for this person being referred to as term, this now quasi game show interpretation seems all the more plausible.

Rizzo, this is a pajama party dance not leather chaps and sheepskin pants!

by Gravy111 November 24, 2010

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Osama Pa Ti

The Afghanistan Terrorist percussion, guitar band Sobama, and its rendition of the Santana song, "Sampa Pa Ti."
I am Bin Laden and this song is for you. English

Yo soy Bin Laden y osama pa ti. Spanish

by Gravy111 November 30, 2010

Splash the Zeros

Put them in the drink..., Shoot them out of the sky..., Give them a Mitsubishi Migraine that they'll soon forget. These are all terms heard during the South Pacific Theater in WWII. In this case, each one called for the downing of Japanese Zero Fighter Planes. "Splash the Zeros" was the phrase used in the movie, "The Final Countdown."

This "Splash" phrase and "These pretzels are making me thirsty" are opposite in meaning, but same of outcome for the intended purpose. See 'These pretzels are... in This Urban Dictionary' To splash the Zeros' is a privilege for the Urban Dictionary Editor who lives for the rejecting of idiotic and arcane stupidness reflected in most suggested definitions.

Splash the Zeros, I repeat, splash the Zeros, put'em in the deep blue!

by Gravy111 November 30, 2010

2👍 1👎

Smurffed Adoptee

A feeling "blue" coming of age adopted child, whose adoptive parents will not or cannot provide him with information on his or her birth family.

There is only one known worse situation than being condemned to adopted smurffdom. This added predicament comes instantly to mind, when recognized, is that the victim must face the world as a freckle-faced, red-headed, adopted step-child!

"I'm feeling sad and blue," said the smurffed adoptee after newly informed of his non-being status.

by Gravy111 November 11, 2010

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Bitch Slap

There are many written variations defining the term "Bitch Slap," and for the most part they stand correct, --- for this world of Hip Hop culture. However, this form of issued embarrassment actually comes from a French method of instilled belittlement without the use of barbarism. The slap upon the face with kid leather gloves would suffice as getting the message across.

All of the above are pussy-fied ghetto and barrio ways to use the Bitch Slap..., they only use it amongst their own! See below for true usage:

The French Canadians are said to have taught the North American native Indian nations this social behavior. They had not, -- these North American indigenous peoples are the original true users of a "Bitch Slap." With the recently borrowed French word "Coup," they had "Counted coup" upon their enemy for hundred of years before hip-hop culture or Cypress Hill acting Chicanos ever had. See Urban Dictionary definition of the term "Counting coup."

Said the Idealist leader of an upstart gang, "Get my coup stick, I'm gonna walk into Compton and give every Crypt I see a bitch slap!"

by Gravy111 November 28, 2010

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Blood Diamond Bride

Any engaged, or recently married woman who wears a diamond ring that comes from the De Beers Corporation. These diamonds are probably bought from human rights violating countries that are waging war against peaceful neighbors.

End note: But then again, it's only six degrees of separation to Kevin Bacon!

A lot of people paid with their lives so she can wear that ring, I bet that she doesn't know her status as a blood diamond bride.

by Gravy111 November 30, 2010


This is when two individuals meet and maintain a friendship in the usual like manner. However, happening in a crowded social gathering, there comes a time when one of the two purposely meets the other with an openly flamboyant display of Gay dress and likewise ambiguous personal mannerisms. This planned act is demonstrative of the growing confidence in the world's Gay society to "put one on us" where the non-Gay feel the hurt!

To "Glitter" is the Gay sub-culture's attempt to market homosexuality in America. A new phenomena in global communication helps to accomplish just that... See 'Glittered and Twittered' in the Urban Dictionary.

Said one Gay to another, "I've been stringing along five of them for weeks now, tonight I'm going to glitter every one of their faces in one fell swoop!"

by Gravy111 November 19, 2010

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