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Floydian Slip

/ˌfloidēən ˈslip/ (noun)

the inadvertent citing of real statistics that contradicts an orthodox, usually Progressive, narrative promoted by mainstream media and academia.

Prof. Tariq: "George Floyd's murder proves beyond doubt systemic anti-black racism in Amerikkka."
Prof. Gad: "The National Crime Victimization Study 2019 suggests otherwise, my learned friend."
Prof. Tariq: "WTF you say?"
Prof. Gad: "My apologies - a Floydian Slip."

by Green Gordon June 10, 2020

273👍 7👎


\ ˈgadˈsmak \ (noun)

a disarmingly wounding insult.

Dr. Gadsmack: "Dear Cerebral Eunuch, when I met up with your wife's boyfriend last night, we had a lovely chat about your life choices..."

by Green Gordon June 15, 2020

235👍 1👎


\ is-ˈläm ōˈrē-ə-ˌli-zəm \ (noun)

The belief that Islam should be subject to the same standard of scholarly and rational critique as every other religion.

- "Sam Harris says the Holy Quran was written by a man - that's Islamophobia."
- "Nope - that's Islamorealism."

by Green Gordon June 15, 2020

249👍 2👎


\ ˈjəssē \ (verb)

To perpetrate a patently ludicrous hoax for the purpose of race-baiting.

Fatiha claimed three white guys urinated on her mother in broad daylight because they didn’t like her Niqab. She jussied all over Twitter.

by Green Gordon June 10, 2020

288👍 10👎


\ ˈbə-bə ˈwä-ləs \ (noun)

A swiftly debunked hoax. (Cf. Jussie)

Driver, Monday: "A white supremacist put a noose in my garage!"
FBI, Tuesday: "The noose has been there since 2019 - an obvious Bubbawallace."

by Green Gordon June 24, 2020

227👍 12👎

Floydian Fallacy

\ ˈflȯi-dē-ən ˈfa-lə-sē \ (noun)

The erroneous belief that a single video of police brutality proves systemic racism.

Angry Anjem: "The George Floyd video PROVES Amerikkka is racist!"
Rational Raheem: "Everyone agrees it was appalling. But remember in 2019 the police shot 9 unarmed blacks as well as 19 unarmed whites."
Floydian Fallacy

by Green Gordon June 24, 2020

219👍 3👎

Racism of the Gaps

\ ˈrā-ˌsi-zəm əv t͟hə ˈgaps \ (noun)

The reflexive attribution of differences in outcomes between demographic groups to racism.

Albertu: "Why are so many Chinese-Americans admitted to top schools at the expense of other groups?"
Pardsnipper: "Racism!"
Albertu: "Hahahahahaha. No."
(Racism of the Gaps)

by Green Gordon June 29, 2020

212👍 27👎