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new jersey haircut

A form of road rage used to dispatch justice on a left lane loser. After passing them in a concise manner, get back in front of them and spray them with windshield washer fluid.

This will leave them greased up, red faced raging, and fist pumping. Possibly even a jersey salute

I scared my cooworkers on the way to the office this morning when I gave some texting left lane loser a new jersey haircut. They called me a psychopath, I just don't get it.

by Green eggs and baaaam June 1, 2016

4πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

hairy monkey brains

The outcome of an unshaven scrotum being squeezed until the veins stick out. The shiny skin is evident, as well as the pubic hair. This looks like what would appear to be a small hairy brain. Hairy monkey brains!

Oh my God, the Brains! NO! I hate hairy monkey brains!

by Green eggs and baaaam May 29, 2008

6πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


The scapegoat of personal responsiblity, presented by select Democrats as their weapon in their effort to absolve the 2nd amendment. This weapon, mis-identified as an "assault" rifle, is only capable of what the operator desires, much in the way a knife, a car, or their own two hands are capable of.

It has been determined that this inanimate object instantly enrages the soul of whoever holds it, hurtling them into an unquenchable flame of murder and mayhem. The fundamental basis for this theory is unfounded and fully accepted by those seeking a quick answer for a tragedy. Although banning this item will prove futile in stopping school shootings, the scared and meek will feel secure in disarming the law abiding and responsible citizens of the United States.

A semi automatic rifle demonizied by the misguided wife of some cripple hell bent on outlawing everything in America other than sporks.


by Green eggs and baaaam January 1, 2013

26πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž


Undigested food, that has passed all the way through a digestive tract, that has ejected from the rectum of a dying acloholic.

This can only be accomplished when the digestive system is in early to advanced stages of failure, by consuming ludicrous amounts of alcohol on a chronic basis.

That pizza was tasty, but it looked thadustin.

I knew an alcoholic that wouldn't poop, but rather leave thadustins in the toilet.

by Green eggs and baaaam June 1, 2018

11πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


Undigested food that shoots out of the rectum of a dying alcoholic. WeҀ™re not talking corn sticking out of a toilet bear. Think pizza with pepperonis and mushrooms floating in a toilet. ItҀ™s a sure sign that internal organs have given up because they are soaked in alcohol.

I drank so much I left a thadustin in the toilet. I really need some help.

Was that actually food, or a thadustin? IҀ™ll never eat there again

by Green eggs and baaaam June 4, 2018

6πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


The stupidest of all hyphenated words; doesn't actually mean either base word

Tha: Illiterate version of The (reference urban dictionary 2)
Dustin: Ignorant fuckboy. (reference urban dictionary 5)

Tha-Dustin: Undigested food, passed through the entire digestive tract, that shoots out of the rectum of a dying alcoholic.

1. "Did you see Tha-Dustin last night? "

"Yes, it makes me sad."

2. That soup looks like Tha-Dustin, I just can't eat it.

by Green eggs and baaaam May 16, 2018

13πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž


Three ones:

Someone who doesnҀ™t give one fuck about:

1. Their family, especially their children.
2. Their friends.
3. Their responsibilities.

Pretty much a walking shitbag, usually fueled by heavy drinking, illicit drug use, and inherent stupidity.

I have so many bills, and my kid needs me.... oh look, a big ball of crack!! 111, bitches!

by Green eggs and baaaam June 14, 2018

68πŸ‘ 57πŸ‘Ž