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An amazing method for smoking pot if you want to get the maximum amount of THC out of your joint.

Person 1 hits the joint, then places his lips on the second person's mouth, exhales and kind of blows the smoke 'into' Person 2 who inhales.

Like 'direct hotboxing'.

Bob & Jill *smoke joint*
Jill: Shame to waste all that smoke. I wish we had a room or a car to hotbox.
Bob: Yeah, but as we're outside.. want a shootie?
Jill: For sure.

by GreenSister January 2, 2011

6👍 8👎


According to Cypress Hill KUSH is the weed that
Just slang for very good weed.

Person 1: Let's get wasted! *pulls out baggie*
Person 2: Well not with your looser stuff. I've got some kush, let's better smoke THAt if you want to get wasted!

by GreenSister January 2, 2011

98👍 112👎