Source Code


Something that is partially lit. Not fully

"Eh it'a littish I wouldn't say it was lit though"

by Greg the fart horse April 27, 2021


Good ol' aussie slang!
Usually when an Aussie is angry or is drunk they bang shoulders and scream "WHAT YA BLOODY DOIN' M8?"

Greg: What you bloody doing mate?
Craig: you wanna go mate?
Greg: yeah mate take you on mate!

by Greg the fart horse September 7, 2018

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Apple is a computer company and also a great source of fibre. I am typing this on a mac as we speak.

Apple are also a food with natural sugar. They are very nice and shnazzy.

Kayla: what's that?
Greg: It's a bloody apple mate! HOW DID YOU NOT KNOW THAT?!

by Greg the fart horse September 11, 2018

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Urban dictionary

Urban dictionary is a online dictionary where random people can define the words themselves, which is a bad idea. They could say anything. But thank you for letting me define this

Nikki: Hey what's a horse?
David: How would I know? Just check urban dictionary.

by Greg the fart horse September 10, 2018


When something is shnaz it means it's very good or looks good. It can also mean if you agree with something because you think it's a shnazzy idea.

Greg: looking very shnazzy there mate!
Larry: thank you look very shnaz there to!

by Greg the fart horse September 7, 2018

Brooklyn Nine-Nine

A sitcom about cops in the 99th precinct part of the NYPD who find themselves in all sorts of shenanigans. AKA my life

Jake: That's how we do it in the Nine-Nine sir, catch bad guys and look good doing it! (quote from Brooklyn Nine-Nine s1e1)

by Greg the fart horse April 29, 2019

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Nacho man

Nacho man can mean many many things. For instance someone can be a nacho man and someone can act like a nacho man. Basically any man who eats nachos is a nacho man. (not assuming genders)

Greg: hmm I like nachos
Bob: your nacho man

by Greg the fart horse September 10, 2018

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