When you're on a flight and the mood turns dark. You (pretend to) feel a gun in your side and you (don't really) hear a dark voice tell you to go to the bathroom. Now wank or I'll blow up the plane... says the voice in your head. mile high club rape wank
Whilst mid-flight:
"That guy's been in the toilet for a long time and it sounds like me might be crying!?!"
"Don't worry, probably just hijacking-off!".
When you are starved of cuddles and you need to feel the warm embrace of another being.
Eva missed her father so much, she was huggry.
When a gentleman cautiously re-engages in sexual activity after a period of abstinence . From the saying "taking the plunge"
"Come on Man, you got to get back out there and get some pussy , it's been 4 years!"
"You're right! I'm gonna to get all dressed up like a pimp coz tonight I'm taking the clunge."