D'Agoball - a constantly changing, evolving sport/game played by 2 or more players where the only steadfast rule is that there has to be at least one ball in play at all times. The most recent iteration has every player pitted against each other, with one player being The Goal. The players all attempt to score by tagging The Goal, at which point the player that scores becomes The Goal. The Goal cannot touch the ball while The Goal is The Goal, or the last player to touch the ball before The Goal automatically scores a point and becomes The Goal.
Bill fell out of his apartment window and crushed my Toyota while dodging in a rousing game of D'Agoball.
Panphilia is the love of, or romantic interest in, someone regardless of gender, where sexual attraction is not necessarily a factor.
My parents were confused by my panphilia.
7👍 5👎
Originating in Portland, Oregon. Unique or distinct to the Portland Oregon area.
point of origin craft beer craft food
You may have tasted many beers from all over the world, but you haven't lived until you've tasted a Portish Ale.
Playing bagpipes while in costume and riding a unicycle? How very Portish of you.
Homophilia is the love of, or romantic interest in, someone of the same gender, where sexual attraction is not necessarily a factor.
My parents were confused by my homophilia.
6👍 14👎