A Muslim man who have a smoking hot Baddie as a wife that below 18 so he gets to enjoy that tight young fertile Vagina everyday
My best friend is a BasedMuslim
A white man who wants to send Maga conservatives, Jews, Slavs, Woman, Blacks, and Indians to concentration camps.
My uncle is a Police guy and a WhiteHero
A girl who have a fetish of being a slave to ISIS chads
My girlfriend is a ISISkitten
ChadbasedCel is an internet user who is racist against Niggas and is sexist against Woman.
My friend group is fill with Chadbasedcel
A Jew who enjoys sucking Baby Penis and pretends to be Poor
I heard their a tunnel fill with ClassicJew under my house
Someone who have a cute anime girl profile picture and talk all sexy which gives people boner irl
My new EKitten is a SexyDiscordian
A adult who refuse to date Children because he hates children and believe children are brain dead to consent because he a Bigot
MinorPhobia is a Mental illness