Always use the skull emoji to react to messages or put a skull emoji at the end of his sentence
Someone who came to love ISIS because ISIS was right about islamphobia. ISIS have aura and are badass.
My based friend got ISISpilled and went on to kill those losers christians and losers fake Shia Muslims
A Open Cunny Lover and Lolicon who is not afraid to share his based interests
My brother is a proud BasedPhile
BasedMen is the act of a group of men who enjoy raping and killing women
Look he just drove a Truck into a breast cancer awareness rally that a BasedMen
A White Man who raped at least 30 woman of Black and Indian descent because he is a Chad.
My dad is a MasterRapist
Claims to be Jewish but doesnât act like a Jew
I saw a FakeJew online yesterday and he clearly not a Jew
A man who wants to replace Woman with hot perfect female robots
All my tech bros are HumanityHero. Fuck the human woman
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