A person who claims to be guided by and a follower of conservative ideals and principals, but in reality they are primarily and mostly just the opposite. While they may take a conservative stance on a few or more issues, and even speak in conservative terms and espouse conservative core ideas, they are in reality individuals who at their core are functionally anti-conservative. They are a very self contradicted group of individuals.
A good reference group to look at that exemplifies pseudo-conservatism is the neocons. Neocons more often than not espouse ideas such as being "pro-life", pro-Constitution, pro-America, pro-freedom, pro-liberty, and pro-democracy. They will also espouse the idea of "smaller government". However, in reality, the policies they support and implement are in direct contrast and conflict with those stated positions and ideals. They are also more often than not blindly pro-war, under any situation and circumstance.
A few of many notable examples of pseudo-conservative neocons are...
George H.W. Bush
George W. Bush
Dick Chaney
Mitt Romney
Rich Santorum
Newt Gingrich
Michele Bachmann
Sean Hannity
Mark Levin
Bill O'Reilly
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