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A movement that may of started with good intentions but has quickly devolved into absolute delusions. This movement is famous for claiming Egyptian heritage/history as their own. But more recently has branched out to take the word ie claiming the chinese, aztecs,etc... were african. In particular west african. This does not mean west africans do not come from a rich a background of culture, history, language etc.... however rather than embracing their own past this movement, and those who support/are apart of it, seek to steal the cultures of different nations. Along the way the shame, lie, and twist everything to fit their narrative. In the case of Egypt and the Egyptians they ignore the fact it was the Egyptian coptic church and their language that is the very reason Hylogrphics were translated in the first place. In fact they are equal to those that claim Egyptians were completely white. Egyptians were mixed and yes Nubians share in this history but this movement is made up of west africans so even then they aren't included in this. But then again to this movement none of this matters because Egyptians are the wrong shade of brown.

Afrocentrism is only good at one thing and that's stealing other cultures because they are too lazy to embrace their own rich history

by Guardian of the Duat August 24, 2020

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