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The United States of America is a constitutional republic in North America, made of 50 states and Puerto Rico. It began in the 1600's when English Puritans came to the new world to escape religious persecution. The settlers established 13 colonies, now known as New England. In the late 18th century, the Americans rebelled against England. With the help of France, the Americans won the war and their independence.

Unfortunately, it took many years for the American government to recognize civil rights written by the Founding Fathers years before. Women were not given rights until the early 20th century. Black people were persecuted until the 60's. And even today, homosexual couples can only marry in Massachusetts. This is because of the incredibly Christian government America has. They believe gay marriage isn't what God allows as marriage. And they fail to realize that the Founding Fathers separated church and state.

America is rapidly becoming a target for hatred all around the world. The USA saved many people in the World Wars, but Its reputation was shattered with the presidency of George W. Bush. He invaded two countries (Afghanistan and Iraq) simply because they were Islamic nations and the man who sent people to attack the USA was a jihadist. Many countries fail to realize that the US government is responsible for the invasion, not the American people.

With prices rising, rights fading, and religious nuts controlling the country, the USA is slowly headed towards feudalism. In a hundred years, citizens of America may be living in the same conditions as medeival Europeans. But if we rise against the government, the USA will once again become a democracy.

The USA is an amazing country with a terrible government.

by GubGubOfDeath, y'all April 12, 2008

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