An aggressive form of syphilis only contractable by having sex with Ron Jeremy or by having his sloppy seconds. This strain of the disease turns your dick into a brown hairy mess that resembles the trunk of lovable old Mr. Snuffy.
Bro...I hooked up with this porn star last night, but I think she had just done a scene with the hedgehog. Since I got home my dick looks like a mastodon trunk and smells like the yeti. I think I have Syphilupagus
When you stuff a 3 ft. (91.44cm) gummy worm in your partners butt hole and suck it out like you're trying to suck a a golf ball through a garden hose. Once it's completely removed, enjoy the fruits of your labor together.
The gummy worm I hoovered out of your mom's butt hole looked like an earthworm by the time it came out, so we enjoyed The Yummy Gummy with extra sauce.
Various forms of milk torture, including but not limited to, water boarding Joaquin Phoenix with fresh dairy (specifically because of his cleft pallet and fucked up lip)
My therapist advised me that I should start to scale it back on the intensity of my aggressive jerk sessions. My uncle owns a dairy farm, and I hate Joaquin Phoenix and cleft the inter-species wank was a no Brainer. After you finish you have to yell THE PHOENIX RISES
P.S. Your dancing sucked in The Joker, and you should have been Viper Room instead of your brother
-Brian Omey
#TheLip #DrugTester