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Informal inflation index "voted upon" by "short" and "long" day-traders in global market. Roughly a measure of inflationary forces vs deflationary monetary assets. Some of the obvious indicators are called the Dow, Nasdaq, and the Standard and Poors. Calculated roughly as the inverse of the monetary symbol, as in the US, the dollar.

Stockflation has become the modern mantra for the illusion of wealth.

by Guido1 September 19, 2008


Usually a K-12 or college aged male, who's life is centered totally on video gaming. Mostly addicted to online games, and is totally owned by at least one like World of Warcraft. Usually look pathetic and seldom change clothes because they never go to bed, spend all their money on gamecards and newer games. Own computers that have names, and whos video cards cost more than the family's rent payment. Are also asexual because they don't have time to eat, and their bodies never mature.

My best friend is a gamerboy, I think the last time he was out in the sun was a year ago.

by Guido1 March 2, 2008

21πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž


LOST is a complicated, and often confusing, television series on the ABC television network. Confusing because it takes place on an island that seems to be there, but not there. The characters appear to be in the present, but oddly associated with the past in real-time. The intrigue revolves around, where they are, when they are, and contact with the outside world. No watcher can seem to get their minds around the central theme, LOST. Only a highly educated physicist has the ability needed to grasp the show. The conception of the show is based on an incident called the Philadelphia experiment and a concept called space-time. As most people simply don't have the brain power (processing ability) to deal with quantum reality, so the show continues into infinitum.

LOST is an oxymoron with itself.

by Guido1 March 7, 2008

25πŸ‘ 35πŸ‘Ž

Madoff moment

When you realize that all the money you had been socking away into investments, has already been spent by someone else. Also, that you would have been better off to have spent it all on really dumb stuff like a Corvette, motorcycles, boats, all sorts of big-boy toys; now all you have is basically, nothing.

I just retired and looked at my investments and had my Madoff moment.

by Guido1 February 22, 2009


The most sought after offensive line position in American football, by gay ball players, is tightend.

Know what's funny, the most gay guy I know, Derick, is trying out for tightend.

by Guido1 March 9, 2008

6πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


The concept that China and America together are concurrently leading the world in terms of a financial symbiotic relationship.

As the G-20 meet, It cannot be forgotten that the Chimerica component represents the largest monetary block.

by Guido1 March 31, 2009

17πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


Someone who mimics the actions of another, usually verbally. Origin in child's play where one child mimics another in real time, just to annoy. Can be used as an action verb, or as a noun for denotation.

I love the Tea Party, they are always mouthbotting each other, ha ... /sarc ...

by Guido1 November 4, 2013