Usually a K-12 or college aged male, who's life is centered totally on video gaming. Mostly addicted to online games, and is totally owned by at least one like World of Warcraft. Usually look pathetic and seldom change clothes because they never go to bed, spend all their money on gamecards and newer games. Own computers that have names, and whos video cards cost more than the family's rent payment. Are also asexual because they don't have time to eat, and their bodies never mature.
My best friend is a gamerboy, I think the last time he was out in the sun was a year ago.
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LOST is a complicated, and often confusing, television series on the ABC television network. Confusing because it takes place on an island that seems to be there, but not there. The characters appear to be in the present, but oddly associated with the past in real-time. The intrigue revolves around, where they are, when they are, and contact with the outside world. No watcher can seem to get their minds around the central theme, LOST. Only a highly educated physicist has the ability needed to grasp the show. The conception of the show is based on an incident called the Philadelphia experiment and a concept called space-time. As most people simply don't have the brain power (processing ability) to deal with quantum reality, so the show continues into infinitum.
LOST is an oxymoron with itself.
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Direct opposite of the Nobel Peace Prize.
Man did you hear the news today, Barack Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize, and Limbaugh and Cheney shared the other one, the Dumbell Piss Prize.
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Overpowering feeling to do bodily harm to someone that has gone totally over the line into your space: physically, morally, spiritually, intellectually, etc.
Man, when I saw that guy shake that poor little baby, I got this sudden urge to kill.
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A shorted form of speech used to communicate in cyberspace:
AFAIK As far as I know.
AFK Away from keyboard.
A/S/L Age, sex, location.
ATM At the moment.
AWGTHTGTTA Are we going to have to go through this again
AYT Are you there.
BBL Be back later.
BFN Bye for now.
BRB Be right back.
BTDT Been there, done that.
BTW By the way.
CUL See you later.
DETI Don't even think it.
DQMOT Don't quote me on this.
EBCAK Error between chair and keyboard.
EBKAC Error between keyboard and chair.
F2F Face to face.
FOAF Friend of a friend.
FWIW For what it's worth.
FYI For your information.
GAL Get a life.
GD&R Grinning, ducking and running.
GMTA Great minds think alike.
HB Hurry back.
HHOK Ha, ha, only kidding.
IANAL I am not a laywer, but...
IAW In accordance with.
IMCO In my considered opinion.
IMHO In my humble opinion.
IMO In my opinion.
IOW In other words.
JK Just kidding.
JOOTT Just one of those things.
KK Okay, all right.
LMAO Laughing my ass off.
LOL Lots of luck.
LYLAS Love ya like a sister.
MYOB Mind your own business.
MWA A kiss (the sound of "mwa.")
N2M Not too much.
NIH Not invented here.
OIC Oh, I see.
OTOH On the other hand.
OTP On the phone.
PAL Parents are listening.
PEBCAK Problem exists between chair and keyboard.
PEBKAC Problem exists between keyboard and chair.
PIR Parents in room.
PLBCAK Problem lies between chair and keyboard.
PLBKAC Problem lies between keyboard and chair.
PMJI Pardon my jumping in.
PTG&LI Playing the game and loving it.
RL Real life.
ROFL Rolling on the floor laughing.
STFU Shut the f*** up!
SUP What's up?
TANSTAAFL There ain't no such thing as a free lunch.
TIA Thanks in advance.
TTFN Ta, ta for now (goodbye).
TTT Thought that too.
TTYL Talk to you later.
TU Thank you.
TY Thank you.
WFM Works for me.
YT You there?
If you go into a chat room online, you have to know digispeak.
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The person that you are trying to communicate with during a seance.
When the medium came over, the very rich and very dead, Uncle Jack, was the seancee.
A cyberworld where the ugly can be beautiful, the weak can be strong, the old can be young, the poor can be rich, boys can be girls and no one really minds at all.
If you are a gamerboy, then you would rather live in virtual reality.
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