When you realize that all the money you had been socking away into investments, has already been spent by someone else. Also, that you would have been better off to have spent it all on really dumb stuff like a Corvette, motorcycles, boats, all sorts of big-boy toys; now all you have is basically, nothing.
I just retired and looked at my investments and had my Madoff moment.
In the old days of no central heating, a night so cold it took 3 dogs sleeping with you to keep you warm enough.
Man, last night was real cold, definitely a three dog night.
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A way to get a point across to someone who you already know has a strong opinion and is likely not even going to listen to what you have to say about a subject matter.
Not being rude, but; I think you should really learn to talk less and listen more.
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Windfall money garnered from participating in the Clunkers for Cash Program.
Honey, I think that I will take our clunker savings, and build a man cave so I can stay out of your hair when your mom comes over, ok, honey dearest?
Action verb: to advertise, as to expose to view by sight or cognitively.
So, yeah, I went on ebay to ad my old computer.
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A young person, usually male, whos parents knowingly or unknowingly buy new skate shoes every week or so. Usually wears them until they get a little dirt on them, then throws them up in a tree or on power lines, and dangle there by the laces. They will also "give" them to you if you ask, beg, or do "special favors" for them.
First person: Did you see the new pair of DCs Tyler got yesterday, they gave me a woody.
Second person: Yea, man, his parents buy them for him all the time, the little shoefag--I wish my parents were that rich.
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The space-time concept is the most difficult to explain or understand in the entirety of human knowledge. We perceive reality in terms of up and down, left and right, even jokes are made like: "He doesn't know up from down." For we view things in relativistic terms, and dualisms. Does up exist by itself? Does left exist by itself? Are they continuum's? Can an event exist as a non-event. Are space and time inseparable dualities? How many dimensions are there--one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, then eleven. Black holes, white holes event horizon, helix, super galactic, sub-atomic, worldlines. string-like, super-strings, quarks, gluon's, tachyons, big-bang, big-bang plus 1 x 10 minus 18th second. An event in terms of x,y, and z with respect to a rotational helix with a velocity equal to c on the worldline so long as it occurs outside the event-horizon and stays within the worldline. That's why they messed up the Philadelphia experiment.
You are playing God when you mess with the space-time continuum.
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