An electronic form of communication, involving the use of the hand (digits), and number coded electronic "words" or digits (0,1). Cell phones with key pads and keyboard computers use this method to transfer thought words into cyberspace and then back to the intended recipient, thus communion or sharing of intellect.
I guess I will get on My Space and have digital communion with someone that I don't even know.
A middle school birth control device.
Jeremy's little brother carries a condomminium in his wallet, ha, ha.
Man, my butt itches all the time, I got to go into the hospital for assfixia.
Rolling on floor gasping for air.
When you told me that my BFF, Derek married my little brother, Kegan stationed at Camp Lejeune: on base, by a Chaplin I was rofgfa!
"Astroturfing" is the act of trying to boost one's image online with fake comments, paid-for reviews, made-up claims and testimonials.
The GOP, Palin, and Cheney, are getting pretty good at astroturfing.
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Reference from a car commercial. Basically meaning to get a new view on things and abandon old school thinking on a certain subject; to shift into a new mode of thought.
Dude, get with the program: Hello, shift 2.0?
Sex acts that bring down the rich and famous.
Why do so many politicians practice implosion sex?
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