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intestinal tract inversion

People who get everything assbackward. The same people that you tell, to put it where the sun doen't shine, and do nothing but mouth crap all day.

Man, all my Redneck friends, just love that Limbaugh guy to death, but I think he has a major intestinal tract inversion.

by Guido1 September 17, 2009


Commonly accepted theory of the beginning of what we know as the universe. Mostly hypothetical in the past, but now has confirmed measurements by a NASA satelite WMAP. Event horizon indicators place a space-time beginning focal point at 13.7 billion years reverse time. It is not understood what the state of pre-energy/matter was or the catalyst to the event, as the pre-state had no observable horizon.

The big-bang was either an anomaly or it was not.

by Guido1 February 7, 2009

4πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

compensated dating

A means by which (usually asian country) school teens make quick money for personal items, as cell phones, designer clothing, etc, but still function in a traditional family/school role.

My girlfriend wants me to get into the compensated dating role with cougars, but, no fricking way.

by Guido1 October 18, 2009

17πŸ‘ 29πŸ‘Ž

burn up

1. What you say to someone when you want them to go away.
2. To catch of fire.
3. To make someone very angry.

I am so fricking tired of you, just go burn up.

by Guido1 March 11, 2008

30πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž

institutionalized corruption

Corporations that fudged numbers, rating agencies that reversed engineered credit ratings, and S. E. C. members watching porn all day (with quarter million salaries); that conspired to rip-off IRAs and the retirement savings of an entire generation (sheep) and redistributed it with the help of young/fast cyber scammers--and got away with the GNP for the next ten generations, funny, huh; oh well, just print more worthless dollars.

Institutionalized corruption pays better than the mafia, and much better than the drug cartels.

by Guido1 April 24, 2010

3πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

chameleon logic

Fundamentally flawed logic used by poorly educated, narcissistic, usually paranoid persons to garner undo influence or support from like-minded individuals. In a similar notion of a true chameleon animal, they blend their logic to conceal their lack of understanding, insecurities, inabilities to obscure their true indentity or intent.

I love how talk show hosts and politicians use chameleon logic to try to win a debate.

by Guido1 February 5, 2011

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manna from obamma

Governament programs from the Obama Administration designed to help stimulate the economy; thereby, helping to avoid a depression.

Man, I wish I could get some of the manna from obamma.

by Guido1 August 23, 2009