Brand of jeans worn by preppie girls and spoiled princesses.
A girl wearing Pepe jeans is a sign that her father is a doctor.
8π 33π
Bitched version of "humping something new", meaning to engage in kinky sex or practice adultery.
Little Princess Sophia, come on, lick me like a lollipop should be licked. I'm glad to be humpin sumpin new.
7π 5π
A lump of fecal matter that causes a man's anal hair to curve inward and become red, swollen and infected.
I got a dangleberry on my ass and it hurts every time I sit down.
16π 70π
The act of kinky sexual intercourse between a human and an animal.
Bestiality is a form of sexual pleasure that is considered a moral taboo, and highly devious from the norm, but I enjoy it very much anyway.
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Bitched version of the term superstar. Usually used to describe a black or Hispanic celebrity.
As Ali G, Sacha Baron Cohen potrays an urban supastar.
5π 20π
To engage in sex with.
Does you think parents should invite their kids into the room while zey is boning?
2π 21π
A slang term for a fanny pack, popularized in the early 90's, as it was often worn by gay men.
What's he hiding in his fag bag?
34π 47π