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Urban slang for police. Derived from the first syllable of "police" when spoken with a nigger accent.

So I hear last night they called da po on you, is that right?

by GuidoPosse69 February 7, 2005

3πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

bosco dance

The act of staying in bed after 8:00 A.M.

He's 20 minutes late. I hope he isn't doing the bosco dance again.

by GuidoPosse69 January 27, 2005

5πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

supersonic hearing

A very painful condition certain babies are born with, myself being one of them. With supersonic hearing, waves from an AM radio cause popping and pain in the ears.

We don't have a radio at home because my daughter has supersonic hearing.

by GuidoPosse69 February 6, 2005

26πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž


1) Yes. An affirmative response.
2) You. The second person singular pronoun.

1) - How about some coffee?
- Ya, I'd like some?

2) Are ya chillin wit da posse?

by GuidoPosse69 February 17, 2005

341πŸ‘ 275πŸ‘Ž

give skins

For a woman to allow her sex partner to have intercourse with her.

Now you shouldn't even get into who I'm givin' skins to, it's none of your business.

by GuidoPosse69 February 22, 2005

15πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

freedom fries

a term for french fries invented by the RepublicaNazi party in '03 as a dig on the French for not supporting us in the Iraqi war

-I'll have 3 orders of french fries.
-We don't carry those here. Do you mean freedom fries?
-You know exactly what the fuck I mean.

by GuidoPosse69 February 6, 2005

116πŸ‘ 47πŸ‘Ž


The third alter ego of the Jewish comedian Sacha Baron Cohen. As Bruno he plays an Austrian gay male model.

I is Bruno here reporting for Austrian Gay TV.

by GuidoPosse69 January 28, 2005

445πŸ‘ 433πŸ‘Ž