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The person I will cherish forever, the person I will always want to laugh with. An amazing strong person whom I want to see succeed In everything they worked hard for. An inspirational person whom I’ll always look up to<3.

Sentence: look at the great jay wowowowow. ‼️

by Gul- November 22, 2021


One of the most strongest people. Went trough hard times with a smile, immature but can be mature at times. One of the most beautiful people there is. The person who you’ll be able to trust your life with, caring, thoughtful, insecure for the things that makes them beautiful and unique.

An exempel of how to use it in a sentence: chin is sleeping.

by Gul- November 22, 2021


One of the most strongest people there is. A person who is immature most fo the time, but can be mature at times. A loving, caring, thoughtful person who works hard for what they have actieve. The person who will tell others there okay while struggling just so they won’t worry about them. And gets insecure about the things that make them beautiful and unique.

An example how it’s used in a sentence: look at chin!

by Gul- November 22, 2021