Source Code


End, over, all gone, finished.

This car is spent.

I spent my load in her face.

I spent all my money.

by Gumba Gumba February 22, 2004

101πŸ‘ 57πŸ‘Ž


Mick Jagger, the singer from the rolling stones

Jagger is an ugly fucker.

by Gumba Gumba March 13, 2004

62πŸ‘ 84πŸ‘Ž

guns n roses

Survivors of the LA circuit formed from remnants of Hollywood rose and LA Guns (See where the name came from now?). Put out a few excellent and generally well-recieved studio albums between 1987 and 1993 ( I could be wrong on that one). Unlike most bands, they never hit a low, because they broke up a few years after they made it big. One of the few bands that never sucked.

Despite what axl may say chinese democracy is NOT GNR. Therefore, they never sucked. They broke up before they could suck.

by Gumba Gumba February 22, 2004

79πŸ‘ 127πŸ‘Ž

Llorret de Mar

The place sad people go to to get laid in Spain.

Arrival, Party with Booze, Walk Home, getting shagged/laid, sleeping, waking up with the ugliest person you've ever seen, kick the person out, go to the beach, drink some Booze, Party with Booze, Walk Home, getting shagged/laid again, sleeping, waking up next to another ugly person...then commit suicide.

Sad People have 2 options: Llorret de Mar and 18+ corner

by Gumba Gumba April 12, 2004

6πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

sub zero

The coolest of the mortal kombat ninja's. He's a great chractor if you can master his moves to just be repetitive and piss people off by getting flawless victories using near-unblockable sets of moves.

Freeze, slide

Freeze, slide

Freeze, slide

Freeze, slide

Freeze, slide

Freeze, slide

Freeze, slide

Sub zero wins.

Flawless victory.

by Gumba Gumba March 6, 2004

257πŸ‘ 46πŸ‘Ž

waste of time, money and over all a big pice of over ra ted crap

Something that one must spend mucho dinero on, only to be continually frustrated by it. Like aol.

aol is teh suck.

by Gumba Gumba February 27, 2004

3πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž

electronic mail

For a better definition, see E-mail

Send me electronic mail!

by Gumba Gumba February 28, 2004

5πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž