In a game where every possible outcome could result in an agreed monetary win, the process of "doubling up" takes hold. In a game where the winnings is double the place, the idea is to start with low bets, and always pick the same outcome. Should you lose, double your last bet and place for the same outcome. Repeat this until you have won. Comparing your total winnings to your total place, you will have gained one unit.
Of course, there is no garuantee that your wallet can withstand the number of losses needed to recouperate your loss.
Dice throwing for cash-
Place £1 starting bid on number 3
you lose!
£2 bid on number 3
you lose!
£4 bid on number three
you win!
£4x2= £8 gained
£1+£2+£4= £7 lost
Total win is your startign bet.
OK? now go try this on your friends and see how much you can win from them.
10👍 49👎
Foster's Beer. Austrailian brand with great adverts.
get me some amber nectar.
10👍 3👎
Severely underrated Irish Band. SEVERE.
As I was goin' over the Cork and Kerry mountains.
I saw Captain Farrell and his money he was countin'.
I first produced my pistol and then produced my rapier.
I said stand o'er and deliver! ...or the devil he may take ya.
197👍 20👎
A ruler who acts on behalf of the rightful ruler during thier inability to rule.
The regent king Richard III killed his nephews, allowing his regency to continue to full corronation.
31👍 16👎
(v.) Wrestling move as seen used by the rock. It starts off with the opponent lying face up in the centre of the ring with his sides perpendicular to the ramp the wrestlers use to enter the ring. The rock will stand above the opponents' head, flap his arms about, run to one side and bounce off the ropes, jump over the opponent, go to the other side of the ring, bounce off the ropes, run back and jump into the air coming down elbow first onto the chest of the oppoonent.
The most electrifying move in sports entertainment.
42👍 7👎