also see new best friend / new favourite person
term of acceptance coming after someone has praised the works or acts of the author or speaker.
Great Idea! I'll get to work on it right away!
You, madam, are my new favourite peson.
10π 7π
Most commonly seen on technical websites, between the download page and where the download is advertised.
This brief drop off page will advertise something or other before redirecting you to the download.
Please take a moment to visit our sponsor. You will be redirected to in a few seconds.
8π 10π
Shite British tabloid that focuses on C-list celebrities and the plight of the average joe to become semi-famous. Marginally better than the sun, due to the fact it has good coverage of horse racing.
35π 6π
By name, World war I, by historical fact, the seven years' war, which saw the formation of the British Empire and of the current United states eastern border. it was a mere two decades after this that the 13 colonies separated from Britain, the first lands not lost to another europower.
The seven years' war in the mid 18th century or the one at the beggining of the twentieth?
7π 15π
Bubonic plagues that ravaged the known world during the 1340's.
Black death killed millions of Asians and europeans.
89π 38π
An extremely cool website which allows me to see into the past.
fits is one old definition.
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