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Ignoregasm: noun ig-nawr-gaz-uhm

In social media, an ignoregasm happens when you ignore or block someone who’s been so boring or obnoxious, the relief’s beyond ecstasy.

“Remember I told you Jenny’s so excruciatingly tedious, I felt like my wall’s being soiled by a naughty puppy whenever she posted on it? Well, I finally had to do something about it. Guess what? I’d no sooner clicked ‘block’ when I had the most mind-boggling ignoregasm imaginable.”

by Gunnar deValdez January 18, 2014

Ho Couture

Ho Couture: noun hoh koo-toor

Clothes that are very expensive, often the creations of top designers, but always tasteless and vulgar- i.e. something a Kardashian would wear.

"Kim Kardashian, curvaceous paragon of ho couture, was invited to guest host the show."

by Gunnar deValdez January 11, 2014

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