Source Code


shit, swear censor-proofed

Junior : I think we should wait and see with Spencer Hawes. He's a young center who will certainly be better than Dalembert one day.

Basketball Guru : SH is $#!7 and not only that - he thinks that Anne Coulter is THE $#!7.

by Guru Voodoo October 18, 2010

11πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

word to your mother

1. "You can tell that to your mother and she'll agree."

2. In a pejorative or negative sense, "Go tell your mother what I said, so she can set your ass straight, before I have to put a foot in it."

1. Your shorty is sho' 'nuff fine, dog, word to your mother!

2. Word to your knock-kneed, bald-headed, barefoot granny, cuz, if you don't stop eyeballin' my wife, I'm'a close them shits forever.

by Guru Voodoo January 7, 2010

8πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž

bakes my sweet potato

Satisfactory, satisfying, delightful, appropriate, correct.

1. That girl LaWanda? Bakes-my-sweet-POTATO, bro!

2. Okay people, the Aussie Dollars are in the Nugan Hand account and the fallguys are none the factin' wiser. That bakes my sweet potato. Time to disappear. Get your respesctive "mysterious puffs of smoke" on and I'll see those of you who haven't died or been squashed, in Afghanistan, in 40 years or so. Thanks.

by Guru Voodoo October 15, 2010

smoking what he's growing

Believing in or agreeing with what someone is saying or proposing.

Phil Jackson has messed the Knicks up bad, but the media is still smoking what he's growing, but Hinkie is a pharmaceutical chemist.

by Guru Voodoo January 13, 2015


adj., exceptional, noteworthy

Did anybody see how scaredish and agimatated Dave Letterman looked after M.I.A. did "Paper Planes" on his show? Klassick.

by Guru Voodoo September 27, 2007


1. Singularly dumb, uniquely stupid.

2. Wholly and utterly inappropriate.

3. Stupid, foolish

Ray Bob : So even though Bobby Jo left you for your father for 6 years and she had 4 kids with him, you're still taking her - and your new brothers and sisters back? That's idiotsyncratic, dude, no one but you could make that move.

Jay Bob: Thanks Ray Bob, I knew you'd back me up.

by Guru Voodoo August 2, 2010

5πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

real time

The actual, no excuses permitted, time that you have to meet someone.

8.30 real time, okay? If you're late again, we're cactus. Forever.

by Guru Voodoo September 13, 2007

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