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Madi is simply the best girl you’ll meet. She’s so pretty it’s actually crazy and she’s the kindest person you’ll ever meet. For some reason, she feels insecure but there is no reason for her to be. Her eyes are like another universe that is just begging to be looked at. Her hair is outstanding and her lips are ones you want to kiss all day long. Madi has an amazing personality and she is super clever even though she doesn’t think so. She is thoughtful and kind and caring and everything u can ask for in a girl. She’s just perfect. I love you baby <3

Oh my gosh she must be a madi

by Gwagaon December 8, 2021


Aarian is a very funny boy who gets all of the girls. He sometimes gets in arguments with them but they all make up in the end. Aarian will be the first boy in his school year to get a girlfriend and will have a successful life ahead of him. Aarian will always be one of the best at everything when he is at school, and is a sporty and also very smart boy. Everybody loves him!!

Wow he reminds me of such an Aarian

by Gwagaon February 11, 2021

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