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Snake Snuggle

The act of sitting "spider swinging" style while a fellow man is pooping ; thus, creating a dual pooping situation. Used when limited toilets are available and many poops needed.

I gotta poop.

Me too. Ima poop too.

Dude, let's snake snuggle.

by H.C.Sucker May 2, 2016

2👍 1👎

Scissor Dicking

The act of two men banging each other at the same time. Though improbable, two men are so horny that they face each other and attempt to nobly penetrate one another whilst circumventing each other's balls.

I'm so horny right now I have dusty balls . Let's bang each other at the same time.
How do we do that?
Easy bro, we'll just do a little scissor dicking.

by H.C.Sucker May 2, 2016

Chaw Bra

The homie that supplies the chewing tobacco

I could really go for a chew right now.

Shit man, just go talk to the chaw bra.

by H.C.Sucker May 2, 2016