Most workplaces require employees to wear an ID badge with their name and picture on it. Many times these badges are clipped to one's waistband or pocket. When visiting a rest room stall and lowering one's pants, the ID badge can hang below the stall divider, where the next person can see it; thereby informing that person precisely which of their coworkers is dropping a deuce next to them. I.Deuce. badges really up the awkward factor in a rest room setting, especially when the badgeholder is a high-up executive, or worse, a flatulent overeater.
Was just taking a dump on the third floor and saw Fat Al's I.Deuce. badge in the stall next to me. I cut my visit short and ran out of there before the fireworks started.
When I was young, my father didn't want to swear in front of the kids. He used to say arse, instead of ass. After a few years, the kids knew what he meant when he said arse, so he had the ingenuity of changing arse to harse. That's the best explanation I can come up with, but most likely it is just because he is a harse and likes to make up words.
Glenn, I know you are a bastard, but you don't have to be a harse too.
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