To pwn oneself in an effort to make a point. The result of which is usually an asshat.
This noob danked himself when he didn't change chars to make that post.
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Also known as udongs or umongs, this creature is a complete and utter deluded little w*nker who supports the Milton Keynes McFranchised Dongs. A wind-up troll who's attempts to wind up AFC Wimbledon supporters and other football supporters often fails.
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Also known as WolvertonDong, WolvertonMong or WolvertonDung, this cretin is another deluded supporter of FranchiseFC, or Milton Keynes Dongs.
This creature is a total muppet of the highest order, and a regular wind-up troll who frequents the Rivals AFC Wimbledon site, The Big Tissue, bleating that the site should be an MK Dongs site and attempts to re-direct people from the AFC Wimbledon Rivals site to an MK Franchise site. Of course his efforts usually fail.
WolvertonDong needs to be re-directed to his own Franscum board so he can consume the happy-clappy deluded pills there.
The physical and emotional sensation experienced when watching a film or piece of work by Michael Bay, usually accompanied in the male by ejaculation.
Dude that new Transformers 2 trailer during the Superbowl totally gave me a Baygasm.
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Terrible city. Drugs on every corner. The pizza place sells drugs, the teachers sell drugs, even the police department will sell you drugs after they have been used as evidence!
I hide my weed in the Hudson Falls library.
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