Source Code

Yu Yu Hakusho

An manga-turned-anime currently aired on Cartoon Network (bleh). Excellent anime, despite the butchering Cartoon Network is famous for.

"Did you see Yu Yu Hakusho yesterday?"

by HIEI July 9, 2003

347👍 131👎



Vagabond Is Peak Ficiton

by HIEI September 7, 2021



"Dag, Homey"

by HIEI July 14, 2003

32👍 24👎


greatest guy on the intarweb. he probably created the intarweb cuz hes sooooooo sexy and hes from france or spain i dunno, some place located in south africa. he's also a mod on FO. i love xso

Hiei: Hi XSO
XSO: I should put GameFAQs Sushi up and then sign on AIM because you ask me that every other day

by HIEI August 21, 2004

9👍 12👎