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An evil Chinese cyborg that oddly resembles a fish or a donkey (see donkfish).
Its main processor does not exceed I2 laptops and is extremely slow at human logic and communications. Furthermore, this robot has a low frequency sound noise and usually use the word "shyt!" followed by a small homosexual jump.
Known for its selfish personality, if asked for help it will only answer "mann read tyour lectwure notez".
Furthermore to intimidate the humans, he usually points at u with closed fist while blabbering "You're gona faill".
Also known for its strange programmed sexuality, it prefers shemales rather than females (although this cyborg is designed to be a male).
The programmer of this useless cyborg is unknown.

Ape: Hey LYS, what is the answer for 1+1?
LYS: Read your lecturreee notes. You're gonna fail!!!

by HKUSTFREAK January 19, 2011

20👍 11👎


Being lazy, receiving free food, complaining excessively and without reason.

Stop lauing!

by HKUSTFREAK February 11, 2011

13👍 2👎

Genio Pedo

A bizarre laughing humanoid hyena. This mammal is hard to domesticate but possible nevertheless. Can be fed with anything but it has to be accompanied with cheese. It has the laughing syndrome disease; it laughs at the slightest movement and sound; the duration can last for more than a month. Although this syndrome can be annoying for its masters, laughing is crucial for a genio's survival. This mammal is blind (eyelids are always closed) so it uses ultrasound (laughing) to navigate through space and create a visual image of it's environment. This strange creature has a bizarre ecology; it hates it's own specie. Furthermore it looks for a mate twice younger and twice smaller.

Genio Pedo: hahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahhahaha...hahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahaha wadafax hahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahaha...hahahahahahhahaha

by HKUSTFREAK January 18, 2011

5👍 1👎