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being heavily under the influence of alcohol. similar to smashed, pissed, trashed. used in the company of parentals to disguise current state and/or planned state.

Duuude! I am totally going to get soo fridged tonight!

by HaNnAh April 5, 2005

12πŸ‘ 82πŸ‘Ž


you say it when you are upset about somethin but not like crying upset, like if your on msn n sum 1 goes i dont like you messing about youd go boo

hannah:hey you still coming out today
chloe:no sorry i cant
hannah:oh boo

by HaNnAh April 4, 2005

6πŸ‘ 33πŸ‘Ž


1.Boity means whatever you want it to mean.
2.Boity can also be a name.
Can be shortened to Boit.

1.You are looking really Boity today!
2.Hey Boity!(and man would reply:o hey boit!)

by HaNnAh January 21, 2004

9πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


cones, billies, sesh... the art of smoking marajuana.

<TuNeR^2^DaMaX> skats we doin anythin b4 the game? CAPS perhaps?

by HaNnAh May 28, 2003

4πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž


someone pleasure seeking

i found a internet site for hedonist people

by HaNnAh February 14, 2005

76πŸ‘ 42πŸ‘Ž


people who have skill to stay out on the water for hours (like me) that get alot of crap for it when we dare venture outside of surf-friendly states. Be nicer to surfers, it IS a sport

people who ARNT on blue crush.. >.<"

by HaNnAh December 7, 2003

18πŸ‘ 65πŸ‘Ž

Too sha

too shabby! but really has no definition i just say it so all u people who see me write it and go search it ot see what it means :P

"Well i dunno!"

"too sha!"

by HaNnAh February 21, 2004

11πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž