Source Code

triple brown

a woman with brown hair, brown eyes, brown skin

David: "What type of women do you like?"
Joe: "I like triple browns"
David: "Give me an example"
Joe: "Hope is one fine triple brown. She is fuego."

by Hacienda Loca February 21, 2019

95👍 9👎


Acronym for Deny Till You Die

Man: (deletes chat messages)
Woman: No evidence…I like it (sends winking tongue out emoji)
Woman: But you don’t need to delete them. If anyone sees them I will deny deny deny
Man: It’s ok. No need to DTYD. I’ll delete them for you.
Woman: What’s DTYD? I hate slang. Fuck. Just speak English to me.

Man: Forgot you only speak archaic English...It’s "Deny Till You Die"… don’t say I never did anything for you.

Woman: jajajajajaja (sends smirk emoji)
Woman: Or do you prefer the one with the tongue out
Man: I always prefer tongue out

by Hacienda Loca June 1, 2019

9👍 3👎