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A amazing friend

Tahir has a yang boy that will always be him self he pushes him self to never give up. He's a wild person but cereing at the same time he has the most beautiful hart anyone would want to have be some one that will love you for who you are. He's has some much loity to his close friend he never wants her to be sad he will always try and make sure she's ok even when she says she's not he will always make sure she's ok but he loves her lots and never wants anything to happen to her. He dont like to make her upset or cry because he loves her but sometimes when his close friend hasn't made the best choices he gets angry at her but he only gets angry is because he loves her soo much and dont want anything to happen to her. He's been though a lot just to have his close friend back he some crazy his he spend 4 yr just to try and get his close friend back. He will do anything just to get his close friend back. But now he's happy because he has his close friend back and always happy because of her

by Hacker T November 22, 2021