1. To be scared of a silverback gorilla, especially Harambe.
2. to be scared of a hairy mammal
3. To drop your child into a gorilla exhibit
The little boy had harambephobia because he was scared of Harambe.
1. To be addicted to anime.
2. To watch anime too much.
The girl at school was Anime-Addicted.
a very rude person immature person. They sometimes are very loud and obnoxious but at times can be a pretty funny friend. He likes to call people gay sometimes too. Hanging around him can be fun at times but also can be infuriating because he likes to yell at you a lot. He also likes loose coochie.
Man 1: Man, Michael was very mean to me today!
Man 2: Are you sure? Michael helped me with Math today.
Man 1: But didn't he crumble the paper?
Man 2: Yeah, so? At least I learned something.
Man 1: I guess so...
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