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Holy Hair Pie

When a powdered donut hole has a shaved belly button that you don’t want to fuck but it’s still hairy even after shaving it. Also a version of desserts. Not a good dessert. Only the DeSquirts.

Holy Hair Pie Guy!

No Pain, No strain, Holy Hair Pie. Must have DeSquirts!

by HairyPieHole November 10, 2020

Giant SaurusRack

The bumps on a pickle that don’t make it schmooooooth. Bump me up, Giant Gynaaa SaurusRack. Like a vagina but more floofy like with Gianter vagina and schooooooother pickle with NO bumbs. Like a boring pickle.

Also known as A Giant Saurus with a Rack. It’s schmoooooooth like a shaved nutsack.

Once there was a way to suck my dick todayyyyyy. Giant SaurusRack (the guy kind)

Just wanted to smoke some crack,
He (It) Tried to flirt but he just got what he thought was a dessert in his poo pipe and got deSquirts!

So squirtingly , don’t fuck with the giant saurusrack!

So why go to the dump when the snack bar is right next door. If it tastes like shit, turn it around. HOTDOGS! Everybody loves to be valasic (the bumpy pickle) the dill ones. Mmmm pickles. If Mantucket will suck it, Fuck it. Dill Pickled! Not the sweet ones cuz I’d rather eat the Bruceyyyyy Bumps.

by HairyPieHole November 10, 2020

Hairy Poo pipe

It’s a place where poofy things escape occasionally out the hole of your poop shoot. Poop shoots only happen if you don’t wax your eyebrows. This way you don’t get dingleberrys.

Gary Gary the Yamaha Fairy is a Hairy Poo Pipe From a hairy poo hole which only squirts accordingly. (Squirtingly) That squirtster!

by HairyPieHole November 10, 2020