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Bade Dilwala

IndiaҀ™s most loved superstar Akshay Kumar is known as bade Dilwala. He is great human being.

He is such a Bade Dilwala.

by Haklatard August 6, 2019

12πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Akshay Bhakt

Akshay kumar fans are called Akshay Bhakt. They are educated & civilized not like Gawar Fanbase.

Today I met an Akshay Bhakt

by Haklatard August 6, 2019

18πŸ‘ 30πŸ‘Ž

Akshay Bhai

King of Bollywood Akshay Kumar is known as Akshay Bhai.

I am here to meet Akshay Bhai.

by Haklatard August 6, 2019

16πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Hit Kumar

Guarantee Kumar is known as Hit Kumar. Most loved superstar Akshay Kumar is baap of Bollywood. He always give Hit movies.

Hit kumar strikes again on Box office.

by Haklatard August 6, 2019

13πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Bolly King

IndiaҀ™s most loved superstar Akshay Kumar is known as Bolly King. He is king of Bollywood.

It's a tribute to Bolly King.

by Haklatard August 6, 2019

10πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Akshay Bhaiya

Akshay Kumar is called as Akshay Bhaiya.

Everyone loves him that's why everyone call him Bhaiya, Akshay Bhaiya. Man with golden heart.

Let's some noise for Akshay Bhaiya.

by Haklatard July 27, 2019

22πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


Tollywood is a Bengali filn Industry from India. Once this industry was leading

film Industry of India . Satyajit Roy is the biggest gift for India from Tollywood. He owned Oscar for Panther Panchali.

Nowadays Tollywood is just a crap. Maximum movies are copy from south or shit.

You can imagine the level of Tollywood where Totla Dev starrer Paglu is one of the biggest hit of Industry & Copybaj Raj Chokkotti is the most successful director.

By the way Jeet starrer Sathi was the last good movie came from Tollywood.

Person 1 : what are you doing?

Person 2 : I am watching a Tollywood movie.

Person 1 : You motherfucker, how many time I have told you don't watch shit on my TV.

by Haklatard July 24, 2019

20πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž