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A rare act involving the South American Tree Frog and several species of tree-dwelling simians in the South American jungles. By inserting some portion of its body, usually the prehensile tail or its phallus (this is dependant, to an extent, on the gender of the simian), into the mouth cavity of the frog, the monkey simultaneously demonstrates its dominance as well as its acceptance of its amphibian neighbor. The completion of this conjugal act is crucial to continuation of this odd symbiotic relationship, as the tree frogs will remove harmful insects from the monkey's environment and the monkey will act to distract or eliminate possible predators.

The act, first reported in 1892, is named in honor of Sir Curtis Matthews Froat, who provided a detail account of frog-simian relations in a report to the Royal Geographical Society follow his five year expedition to the Peruvian Amazon.

Today, the term is used in popular culture to discribe a dominant symbiotic relationship, wherein both participants derive a benefit, but one of parties clearly controls the nature and extent of the partnership. It is working it way into urban dialect, as it is being used in Chicago and Atlanta to depict pimp-whore, dealer-user, kingpin-dealer, and rapper-poser interactions.

Dude, T-Bus is froating Everett. Fucker shouldn't have taken his dope without paying the first!

by Halc Forstner September 3, 2010

18👍 5👎

Pushing the first domino

The act of sending to someone proof of copulation with their mother. So-called because this event sets of a chain of escalating reactions, including, but not limited to: simple battery, revenge fucks, petty vandalism, joyriding crashes, rumor generation, blatant sabotage of relationships and work, and serious violence. This requires that the proof be strong in nature, such as photographs, video, or loud audio. The public and visceral the proof, the stronger the domino reaction. It is not uncommon for bystanders to become involved in the toppling events.

The survivor/winner of such an event can usually lay claim to being the dominant partner in a froating relationship. Similarly, pushing the first domino can be construed as an act of froating, assuming that the initiator can maintain his status in the relationship.

Adapted from a common Cold War political theory which stated that when one nation "falls" to communism, others near it will do so as well.

I'm pushing the first domino; Mike's got the video of his mom and I in his emall inbox now.

by Halc Forstner July 8, 2011

1👍 2👎