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Degradované maďarské společenství co si myslí, že jsou lepší než zbytek Východní Evropy. Často nazýváni Čechy jako "bratři". Nikdo, kdo byl narozen po roce 1990, jim nerozumí.

osoba 1:"Kámo , pojedeme v létě na Slovensko, bude pr*el!"
osoba 2: "Eh, nikdy."

by Halli Boy March 29, 2016

84👍 154👎

Czech Republic

World's capital of beer, porn, prostitutes, foreign politics and stupid-ass people who think they are better than everyone. Also have smart scientists, great cars, talented athletes, amazing nature and beatiful historical cities. Capital is Prague, witch most of movie producers use for making movies. Have great relationship with China.

You shoud visit this country, just for fun...

Hey bro I'm going to Czech Republic this summer!

by Halli Boy March 29, 2016

18👍 26👎