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A laggot is a person that while playing match-made, online games, specifically lags his or her connection to gain an advantage.

Laggots are generally regarded as players with no skill that must cheat to win. The term originates from play on Halo and through xbox live. Now, however, it is generally and widely used on many media gaming console platforms and computer platforms.

"Laggot" is also general gaming culture slang for a person that has no skill and cheats. Some famous/celebrity, well known laggots existing today are "lx GODS FINESTxl" "Aristotle Aston" and "BigRed iZ Evo."

lxGODS FINESTxl is a laggot that has no skill and must cheat to win matches.

by Halo Master May 24, 2015

1👍 2👎

Halo 2.5

The game being released by bungie, an updated version with a better ending than the Halo 2 crappy one.

1."Halo 2's ending both sucked and blowed"

2. "Yeah but they are releasing Halo 2.5 with a better ending"

3. "Shutup! Smart ass!"

by Halo Master August 16, 2005

4👍 115👎