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Kamu nanya?

A meme sentence, which is the Indonesian and Malaysian equivalent of "Who asked?" or "Did you ask?". The term was created by TikToker Alif Cepmek.

Qasim: My house was burned down to ashes. I have no place to relocate now.
Yasir: Kamu nanya?
Qasim: Bangsat kau. (Frick you.)

by Hamidovic July 23, 2023


A person who has left Islam, and has high risks of getting executed, killed, or tortured.

Harris: I'm a murtad and I'm proud!
Suwailim: May Allah curse on you.

by Hamidovic July 27, 2023

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Meta slave

A person who often abuses overpowered OP weapons in PvP matches.

"That person is such a meta slave, he always uses that AS VAL"

by Hamidovic May 1, 2023


Comes from the sentence "He's him" or "It's him". Describes the greatest of all time, or the G.O.A.T..

Daud: He's memorized the Qur'an, got straight A's, never missed a single prayer time, and he's also the Top 10 in Call of Duty!
Zaki: He's Himothy!

by Hamidovic September 5, 2023

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A common Russian swear word, meaning "fuck."

Semeshkov: S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 will not be released, chuvak.
Yarik: Ah, blyat'! What are we going to play?

by Hamidovic August 14, 2023


Used to describe a short mutter that can be combined into a sentence. Also used as a family friendly way to describe explicit meanings.

1. He said a word in Yeniseian or something.
2. Oh, no! He said the S word!

by Hamidovic September 6, 2023