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The Fallen one

What junior is, or if not, then HIGHLY SUSPECTED of being. Yknow everyone thinks so anyway

The fallen one! Duh! Old J, junifer morningsnout, the sinful son, prince of chaos, prince of darkness, june wick, grimes, mephistopheles, Mephisto, etc

He goes by many names

Junior grimes better watch his back! the internet’s not stupid

Junior is the fallen one

Old J is the fallen one without a shadow of a doubt!

by Handle this or handle none October 7, 2021

747👍 2👎

J unit

Someone who’s apart of Junior grimes league of followers/top elite

Other word for a follower of junior Grimes (a “juniortrooper”

J grimes kid are known as “children of the forbidden one”

Anybody who is affiliated with J grimes (junior Grimes) is by definition part of the J unit

J unit is for elite muthafuckas ONLY, the IN crowd if you will

Only the informed and VIP are apart of the J unit

by Handle this or handle none October 8, 2021

698👍 2👎