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Koreans are one the most homogen races on the earth. The koreans have existed since 8000 b.c. The koreans have struggled much with fighting off chinese and japanese raids and have been fairly succsesful if you consider the amount of times they have been attacked and their population in comparison to the japanese and chinese people.

There are many modern predjudices about koreans as they would be more nerdy and stiff. These rumours are as much truth as the rumours about americans being fat, stupid and imperialists.

- Hey you know koreans only likes kimchee, electronics, other koreans, homework and they hate japanese people^

- Hey, you know Americans only likes fat food, money, weapons, more fat food and they africans, asians, jews, arabs, persians, indians and 50% of all whites

by Hangulkimchee March 19, 2011

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